Thursday, February 24, 2005

Mission Impossible

It really was amazing to watch on the (nearly unwatchable) Hannity & Colmes show last night as New York Congressman Maurice Hinchey defended his assertion that Karl Rove had planted the fake National Guard memos that CBS swallowed hook, line and sinker. Between Hannity's incessant bleating about Hinchey's lack of evidence (true, if annoying in the way of a child), and Colmes' greasing the skids for the advancement of the conspiracy, Hinchey sat on a throne of absolute self-righteousness, tying together the "circumstantial evidence" of Rove's devious plotting. Hinchey as much as said that it was his duty (to his constituents) to make these charges. Going back to the early 1970s, Hinchey assures us, Rove has a history of this kind of dirty political pool.

To Hinchey, Hannity's inability to grasp the reality was due to his flawed perspective (i.e., false consciousness). Nevermind that it has only taken the suggestion of a conspiracy to advance this to the level of a real story. In Hinchey's mind, and in the mind of the afflicted everywhere, all Rove needed was motive and opportunity - and presto, Dan Rather and CBS, front-line forces for the "truth against power" morality brigade, are absolved of all responsibility; absolved of the consequences of their own poor judgment.

The Iowa Hawk blog chimes in with a very clever satire on this kind of conspiracy thinking. The piece is rife with links to the lefty bloggers who have been busy spinning these kinds of yarns. Here's a snippet; be sure to read the whole thing.

Tread softly, because Rove's roots run deep and crooked. For every real clue you find, BushCo has planted two to lead you down a blind alley.... Stop being so naive. So far you're just another sucker huckstered Into Rove's Machiavellian Texas Funhouse of Mirrors. If you want to find the exit, listen for the carnies that aren't barking.

Those CBS conveniently forged, yet entirely accurate documents? Obviously the handiwork of Karl's West Wing elves. But if you think "Gannon" was the conduit to Mapes you are barking up the wrong homo, my friend. Karl has more than a few panicked moles inside Black Rock hoping to throw you off the scent. Let's just say you may want to start "connecting the Dotties," because the plot is about to thicken like a TANG-y sweet salad dressing. Remember: the truth is out there. Buried below a modern 64,000 square foot plant in Duncan, Nebraska.

Seeing a pattern? Rule #1 in the Rove Matrix is careful who you trust. That website with the impeccable progressive credentials could easily be a Rove / GOPig front operation -- draining millions of dollars from credulous liberal dupes and throwing it away on doomed campaigns. If your instincts tell you someone to trust somebody, then run. He's probably a plant, and the voices could be from Rove's mind control drones.

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