Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Fix-Up

More classic lines from Seinfeld. George is such a loser.

George: Why even try anymore? There's no sense to it. I'm never gonna meet anybody, I should just accept it.
Jerry: Oh, yes you will.
George: No, I won't.
Jerry: Yeah, maybe you won't.
George: I mean it's hard enough to meet a woman you dislike, much less like.
Jerry: Are my nostrils getting bigger?
George: No. Why must it be so difficult? Why is there all this tension and hostility? Why can't I just walk up to a woman on the street and say, "Hi. I'm George. How are you?" Is that so terrible?
George: I mean it's gotten to the point where I'm flirting with operators on the phone. I almost made a date with one.
Jerry: Oh, so there's still hope.
George: I don't want hope. Hope is killing me. My dream is to become hopeless. When you're hopeless, you don't care, and when you don't care, that indifference makes you attractive.
Jerry: Oh, so hopelessness is the key.
George: It's my only hope.

Courtesy of Seinfeld Scripts.

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